It’s Never Just One Pest

As winter approaches, two of the most common home invaders are cockroaches and mice. These creatures are expert hiders and can squeeze into extremely tiny crevices. Since they hide so well, they may create health hazards or costly damage that goes undetected for a great deal of time.


Cockroaches enter the home in a number of ways. They burrow into foundation cracks or enter through vents and drainpipes. They enjoy warm places near food and water, so they likely make homes in kitchens and bathrooms. Since they reproduce quickly and are nocturnal creatures, they remain out of sight during the day and form an infestation without detection. Spotting a single cockroach does not mean there is only one in the house. In fact, seeing a cockroach during the day usually means it was forced into the open by overcrowding. Cockroach residue and droppings may cause illness or allergic reactions.


Mice seek heat and shelter when outside temperatures drop. They enter the home through tiny holes and hide inside walls or the attic. These rodents leave behind droppings that can cause disease. They also spread disease by infesting human food sources. It is common for mice to nest in groups and reproduce frequently. This means problems spread fast and without much warning.

Although there are numerous products available to get rid of winter creatures, it is best to seek help from a professional pest control company. These experts have the proper equipment and supplies to safely and efficiently eliminate an infestation and permanently keep hiding pests away. When the home is free of invaders, the family can spend winter in a warm, cozy, and healthy environment.